The Peacemaker

Battles and wars are fought, people live and die everyday. Some die for causes others rush in without asking questions. If you don't believe in the reason you are fighting for then i suggest not to fight at all. I believe in the quote,"Only fools rush in". This quote holds more then one truth. I have seen many people fall victim irrationality. I myself have on occasion. I preffer the role i have chosen now. Peacemakers have no easy task. I am perfect for the job due to certain cituations. There is one drawback to being one however and that is paranoia. I have failed at my task before and my task now is more inportant then anything i have ever faced before. It is taking my understanding and self awareness to a new level. FOr if i fail again I may not get a chance to relive it. The people i look over now have no clue that i do. It works in my favor of sorts because i can see both sides of the story. SOmetimes my information is wrong and i rush into things and situations i can't control. I haven't truely mastered this gift yet, but my successes so far out weigh my failures. My tasks are however getting more complicated everyday that goes by.