The Blue Ice Dragon
When the Great Earth Dragon created Ice, it was meant as an equality factor. Earth's creation of Crimson caused the planet to heat up tremendously. A balance was created with Ice. Ice was a very unusual dragon. He could blend in very well with the snow and ice he created. It would almost seem as if Ice's body was not entirely complete. From the very start of his arrival, he had made an enemy with Crimson. Crimson, like the fire that bore him, was enraged for now he had three equals. Night who's darkness equaled his light, Trancperence the real equal to Crimson, and now Ice who's temperature could put out the mightiest flames. Ice was a joint creation. Earth brought about his existence through Transperence, the Water Dragon. They look very similar. Transperence was a great teacher to Ice. By giving Ice some of his powers of water they made the equality that was needed to balance out Crimson. Crimson once again called to Earth and begged for more power, but earth had enough of the bikering and so he commanded that they each have a cerain time in which their powers could be used and thus began the seasons. I was sought after by very little people because of his abilities. Man could not take Ice for what he was they most often sought out Crimson. Ice was enraged and because of this he created an area of the planet that not even Crimson could venture. The area was covered in ice and snow and very little was this area aproached by man. By doing so Ice became alone. Not even Transperence could venture on this land for even he could be caught in its pull and traped forever. Some of Ice's other brothers came from time to time but sometimes even they couldn't bare it. Only one brother could, Night. Night admired Ice because of his cold nature as well as ability. Alot of time they both worked together to constantly remind man of their falts as well as weaknesses.