The Path

He crawls

on his hands and knees towards the light

with his head to the earth

he has not yet seen the light

with strength he continues

He looks up

with head held high

he sees the glow of paradise

with arms streched he bekons it

with courage he continues

He walks

with strength and conviction

he races towards this light

through stone and grass and sand and snow

with anticipation he continues

He ponders

Having seen and traveled so long

he sits and rests

so close yet so far away he sits

with thought he anticipates his next move

He prays

with voice that pierces silence

he calls to the light

there is no answer but there is

with faith he continues

He ages

old and grey he falls to his earth

he looks at the light

the light calls to him to join it

with release he dies

He rises

to the infinite light he arose

finally what was sought has been achived

granted is the light sought for

with pleasure he is home

He is reborn

filled with strength he watches over

to watch over all creatures making the journey

he makes those who follow free

with intelect those who follow are rewarded...

Shadow Wolf...(*...