My Thoughts
1. It has been said that one can not challenge fate, but if you let fate run your life forever it will dominate your destiny.
2. The beauty of the world can not be seen by one who's eyes are closed.
3. If you believe in something enough it becomes possible but if you do not distinguish the difference between reality and fantasy then your beliefs have been misdirected.
4. What you see in front of yourself might not be real but if you believe in what you see then that is what it will be.
5. There are many realities or dimensions as some would say dreaming is a way in which you can travel to those worlds. Although they can not be proven all you have to do is believe.
6. Love is a word in the hearts of all but it has no meaning if your heart is closed.
7. If love was to have a meaning it would have to be from the person who is experiencing it.
8. The darkness in man can be both a strength or weakness,but if the darkness consumes your being you will be left alone.
9. There are many problems in the world today, however if you can not see the good in things, then your life will be spent searching for the bad.
10. Guilt and innocence is only a matter of timing.
11. All forms of love require two things, tust and equality.
12. Fear,fear attracts the fearful, the stong, the weak, the innocent. Fear is my ally.
13. Time has been considered the destroyer of man. Time only destroys when you forget about the past.
14. Forgiveness is devine but it is up to the person to bestow such a priveledge.
15. Fate may not be broken but it can be changed.
16. Never underestimeate the resourcefulness of man.
17. How can such perfection be achived when your opposites attract.
18. How can something so perfect end so perfectly as it started.
19. When the world ends why is it always the lonely ones welcome it while the pairs choose not to think about it.
20. Any time someone says what is yours is theirs how are you to interpret a responce would it be a laugh or a regret.
21. When love is all you seek nothing can stand in your way. Trouble arises when it is not shared but when it is it is wonderful.
22. Thoughts are what you make them to be. No one should take them away from you.
23. Time heals all wounds, but when is it not a wound have you ever seen one heel or is it just hidden.
24. Darkness and the light are apart of everyone. it is something all must face. Even a god must at times.
25. Happiness comes in many forms but what is the price of that happiness. Can it be measured.
26. Discovery comes at the price of misfortune. What is all the knowledge in the world worth if no one cares to hear it.
27. The being of man is one of pain. Only ones with inner hearts are free.